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Tuesday 22 May 2012

What's in a bag?

Some of you may be familiar with a prop I use a lot in my product photography - my faithful old leather satchel. 
This is a bag with history. 

I bought this satchel from a car boot sale in Warwick in 2002 for the unbelievable price of 50p! 
It had been well used, although remained in fairly good condition and had been inscribed with the name of the previous owner. The fabulously named Tristen Tinder-Sparks. 

I used the bag for my college stuff as I was studying Art & Design at the time. It became further adorned with doodles, apple stickers and my name, written inside in green sparkly gel pen. 

My beloved satchel went everywhere with me, and took the strain of heavy sketch books, tins of pencils, my sewing box, pliers and many other various tools of the student. The strap gave under the strain, but I tied it up with string and continued to use it. 

Eventually, after I had finished college and didn't need such a big bag to carry around, my satchel became the home for my very important documents such as certificates and policies. 

Since I started I have used it as a photo prop in my product shots. 

Today saw the arrival of my new satchel bag!! It's from and I absolutely love it!! 

After it arrived I immediately transferred my handbag clobber to my new bag so I could take it on it's first outing to collect my twins and go to the park. 

I got to thinking about all the things we carry round in our bags each day and what it says about our lifestyle. so I am considering doing a section on the contents of my bag. Perhaps a weekly thing? 

So , today my bag contains: 
1. A Potette portable potty and spare liners, antibacterial wipes and toddler wipes. 
2. My filofax
3. My brown leather purse for personal use.
4. My white leather purse for the family budget
5. My weekly copy of Grazia magazine
6. An apple
7. My white iphone
8. A pack of Fink conversational cards for the kids
9. The unopened post
10. Blister pack of paracetamol

I'm interested to hear about the contents of your day bags - from the mundane to the unusual! Please do leave a comment below. 

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